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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Release question
Message Subject: Release question
Posted 8/16/2021 11:07 AM (#984114)
Subject: Release question

Posts: 2

Scenario: Wade fishing for smallmouth bass with spinnerbaits.  No net or musky release tools.  Sometimes braided line, but sometimes mono.  If I hook a  musky, should I try to land it (beach it) and release it while trying to minimize injury?...or should I intentionally try to break it off and leave it with a hook in its jaw?  
Posted 8/16/2021 11:51 AM (#984116 - in reply to #984114)
Subject: Re: Release question

Posts: 2021

Definitely try to land it! Breaking off cost you money and depending on how well hooked could severely effect the chances for the fish to feed.survive....Carry a pair of long nose pliers and consider going barbless safer for you especially if you fish solo. Good luck
Posted 8/16/2021 12:10 PM (#984117 - in reply to #984114)
Subject: Re: Release question

Posts: 615

Location: Michigan
What IAJustin said! Definitely don't leave a lure in its mouth as that's just asking for a dead fish. Beach it and try to unhook it with a long nose pliers as best you can.
North of 8
Posted 8/16/2021 12:14 PM (#984118 - in reply to #984117)
Subject: Re: Release question

I too agree with what IAJustin posted. Great that you are doing the "what ifs" before having to make that decision on the fly.
Posted 8/16/2021 12:20 PM (#984119 - in reply to #984114)
Subject: Re: Release question

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
If you are in the water, land it with a gill hold.
Posted 8/16/2021 5:11 PM (#984137 - in reply to #984114)
Subject: RE: Release question

Posts: 2

Thanks for your input. Unfortunately, the tough access and difficult wading in this stretch of river make use of a net extremely difficult. I guess I'll bring my spreaders, pliers, cutters with me.
Posted 8/16/2021 9:39 PM (#984143 - in reply to #984114)
Subject: Re: Release question

Posts: 1209

Bring it in to you, never know how it's hooked till it's there, I have been able to unhook them without ever touching the fish or beaching them or netting them. They are a little tired on bass gear.
Posted 8/17/2021 9:47 PM (#984157 - in reply to #984114)
Subject: Re: Release question

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
I will catch poop for it but since you are in the water with the fish a boga grip would work.
Posted 8/18/2021 5:39 AM (#984159 - in reply to #984114)
Subject: Re: Release question

Posts: 67

Todd M. I do not want to hijack this thread. My thought is that you should not catch anything for using a Boga. Everyone Note what I am saying before you give me a bunch of Poop. If you have one that has a head that spins and you know how to use it, that may be a good alternative. The problems with Boga like most other things is that folks do not know how to use them properly. Also note, Bogas that do not have a spinning head should not be used because they will harm the fish when he spins and potentially break the jaw.
Posted 8/18/2021 9:31 AM (#984165 - in reply to #984159)
Subject: Re: Release question

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
jase2 - 8/18/2021 5:39 AM

Todd M. I do not want to hijack this thread. My thought is that you should not catch anything for using a Boga. Everyone Note what I am saying before you give me a bunch of Poop. If you have one that has a head that spins and you know how to use it, that may be a good alternative. The problems with Boga like most other things is that folks do not know how to use them properly. Also note, Bogas that do not have a spinning head should not be used because they will harm the fish when he spins and potentially break the jaw.

That's why I specifically said boga and he's already in the water it's much like controlling a fish in the net.
Posted 8/19/2021 5:29 AM (#984184 - in reply to #984114)
Subject: Re: Release question

Posts: 67

Yes Todd M. I was totally agreeing with you in case that was not apparent.
true tiger tamer
Posted 8/21/2021 12:22 PM (#984237 - in reply to #984114)
Subject: Re: Release question

Posts: 343

Bogas rotate, not all copies do. I mainly use a Boga as it doesn't damage fins if used correctly.
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