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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> glide baits ---- tail vs no tail
Message Subject: glide baits ---- tail vs no tail
Muskie Bob
Posted 3/12/2020 12:49 PM (#955765)
Subject: glide baits ---- tail vs no tail

Posts: 572

When is it best to fish a glide bait with a tail or without a tail?

Does the time of the year make any difference?

Does size make a difference? Are smaller baits best with tails? or larger baits?

Just curious if I should be fishing more with or without a tail and when.


Posted 3/12/2020 6:17 PM (#955790 - in reply to #955765)
Subject: Re: glide baits ---- tail vs no tail

Location: Athens, Ohio
TAIL! You can't go wrong with a bait that has a good piece of tail behind it. m

Posted 3/12/2020 8:01 PM (#955797 - in reply to #955765)
Subject: Re: glide baits ---- tail vs no tail

Posts: 225

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
The only gliders I really throw have tails. I don’t see how having a little bit more action on an otherwise really subtle bait would hurt.
Posted 3/12/2020 8:49 PM (#955800 - in reply to #955765)
Subject: Re: glide baits ---- tail vs no tail

Posts: 320

I like tail.
Posted 3/13/2020 5:00 AM (#955809 - in reply to #955800)
Subject: Re: glide baits ---- tail vs no tail

Posts: 2284

Location: SE, WI.

I guess I lean towards NO Tail. I want the extra treble for nippers.....+ the twister tail pulls back And restricts Glide. These fish are notorious for missing jerk/ glides baits anyways.

 I add a few strands of Tinsel to each side of rear treble to create a nice Flash, that really attracts!


Posted 3/15/2020 6:56 PM (#955972 - in reply to #955790)
Subject: Re: glide baits ---- tail vs no tail

Posts: 427

mikie - 3/12/2020 6:17 PM

TAIL! You can't go wrong with a bait that has a good piece of tail behind it. m

Ya, most guys love a good piece of tail!!
Posted 3/16/2020 9:31 AM (#955994 - in reply to #955765)
Subject: Re: glide baits ---- tail vs no tail

Posts: 1037

I get more action on my glides without softtails on them. They belly roll more and have a wider walk the dog pattern.
Posted 3/16/2020 12:59 PM (#956009 - in reply to #955765)
Subject: Re: glide baits ---- tail vs no tail

Posts: 104

I prefer the 3rd hook over a tail. I seem to get more follows on the tail versions but catch more fish on the non tail versions. I have caught several fish with just the back hook that wouldn’t be there with a tail bait.
Posted 3/17/2020 6:59 PM (#956085 - in reply to #955765)
Subject: Re: glide baits ---- tail vs no tail

Posts: 583

I agree with the no tail. Better action on baits with no tail imo. I have caught fish on baits with tail but prefer no tail. Also, don't have to worry about replacing them if a fish tears one off.
Posted 3/28/2020 9:36 AM (#956670 - in reply to #955765)
Subject: Re: glide baits ---- tail vs no tail

Posts: 31

none of mine have a tail, i like the position of the hook hangers much better on the non tailed versions. i use mostly hell pups and the trebles tend to tangle on the squirrelly version.
Pete Stoltman
Posted 4/8/2020 3:07 PM (#957377 - in reply to #955765)
Subject: Re: glide baits ---- tail vs no tail

Posts: 663

I'm on the no-tail team when it comes to gliders. All the reasons already stated.
Posted 4/8/2020 5:30 PM (#957386 - in reply to #957377)
Subject: Re: glide baits ---- tail vs no tail

Posts: 32901

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
I'm at the age where it doesn't matter.
Posted 4/9/2020 8:40 AM (#957401 - in reply to #955765)
Subject: RE: glide baits ---- tail vs no tail

Posts: 390

I have both, use tails on cold fronts and no tail when moving fast in warmer water. But other times I don't follow that at all...I do want I want
tyler k
Posted 4/17/2020 2:40 PM (#958234 - in reply to #955765)
Subject: Re: glide baits ---- tail vs no tail

Posts: 409

Location: Almond, WI
I've never noticed a strong, consistent difference one way or another. Of the two biggest I've ever had eat a glider, one had a tail, one was without a tail.
North of 8
Posted 4/17/2020 3:06 PM (#958239 - in reply to #958234)
Subject: Re: glide baits ---- tail vs no tail

Maybe not the best reason, but I like the tail and in a bright color because my home water is so dark stained, that when doing a figure 8, I see the lure better. Have caught a couple on figure 8s with Phantom with orange tail and I think in part it was because I could see my 8 better, or maybe the fish like that little extra wiggle.
Posted 4/17/2020 5:19 PM (#958270 - in reply to #955765)
Subject: Re: glide baits ---- tail vs no tail

Posts: 160

Location: West Central WI
It's all about confidence. Looks like this forum is split both ways. I have both types and don't really think about it. Fish see movement and I don't see where they'd pull up short and think, "Oops better back off because there's no tail." Muskies attack when they want so pretty much whatever you throw could trigger them on any given day.
Posted 4/17/2020 10:32 PM (#958305 - in reply to #955765)
Subject: Re: glide baits ---- tail vs no tail

Posts: 1252

Location: Walker, MN
Tails have become a confidence thing for me. One more thing to control maybe? I can add white, orange, chartreuse...white mostly. A lot of times color doesn't matter, other times You'd swear it's the only thing that matters.
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