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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.
Message Subject: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.
Posted 4/2/2020 6:42 AM (#956996)
Subject: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

I wonder if any muskies will be caught on husky jerks, x-raps, 4" phantoms or spinnerbaits during the early catch and release bass season. It is now essentially a catch and release season on bass, pike, and muskies as soon as the ice goes out.

Edited by Cfollow 4/2/2020 6:43 AM
Posted 4/2/2020 7:34 AM (#956998 - in reply to #956996)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

Location: Neapolitan Chain Of Lakes
There always has to be that guy.

Edited by esox109 4/2/2020 7:42 AM
Posted 4/2/2020 7:45 AM (#957001 - in reply to #956998)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

At some point in the not so distant future we will look back and laugh at the idea that there were ever closed fishing seasons. Closed harvest seasons have a place closed fishing seasons are just plain silly and every study has come to that same conclusion.
Kirby Budrow
Posted 4/2/2020 7:50 AM (#957005 - in reply to #957001)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

Posts: 2349

Location: Chisholm, MN
Cfollow - 4/2/2020 7:45 AM

At some point in the not so distant future we will look back and laugh at the idea that there were ever closed fishing seasons. Closed harvest seasons have a place closed fishing seasons are just plain silly and every study has come to that same conclusion.

I am curious about which studies say that. I would unscientifically argue that on muskies it would have a negative impact. Mostly based on fishing pressure, educating fish, and hooking mortality. Maybe spawning too, but I don't know. I personally like fishing the opener when the fish are dumber because they haven't been fished for 6 months and I don't mind giving them a break.
Posted 4/2/2020 8:21 AM (#957007 - in reply to #957005)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

Kirby Budrow - 4/2/2020 7:50 AM

Cfollow - 4/2/2020 7:45 AM

At some point in the not so distant future we will look back and laugh at the idea that there were ever closed fishing seasons. Closed harvest seasons have a place closed fishing seasons are just plain silly and every study has come to that same conclusion.

I am curious about which studies say that. I would unscientifically argue that on muskies it would have a negative impact. Mostly based on fishing pressure, educating fish, and hooking mortality. Maybe spawning too, but I don't know. I personally like fishing the opener when the fish are dumber because they haven't been fished for 6 months and I don't mind giving them a break.
Posted 4/2/2020 8:39 AM (#957010 - in reply to #956996)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

Location: Neapolitan Chain Of Lakes
I know right laws are silly. Why just the other day I wanted to go 120mph in a 70mph zone and I thought I'd push my 1976 Pinto Wagon to 140mph just because I could and then I thought hold on a tick the old girl might get the death wobble or I may black out from the negative G's upon deceleration and I reconsidered and thought ya know there's that gray area where I can get away with only going 85 in a 70 so maybe I should stick with that. These pesky laws just get in the way and keep me from doing what I want.

Edited by esox109 4/2/2020 8:58 AM
Conservation Guy
Posted 4/2/2020 9:51 AM (#957013 - in reply to #957007)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

Posts: 109

This research it also notes, "This outcome is, however, dependent on the particular characteristics of the species, particularly whether the species is prone to disturbance or aggregates to breed. When the model was tuned to simulate species that are disturbed by fishing or do become vulnerable to fishing because they aggregate to breed, the reproductive output and yield were substantially increased by the imposition of a closed season during the breeding period."

Given they are quite broad in their definitions of "prone to disturbance" and "aggregating" to spawn, this may not be all that applicable to fish in the midwest.
Posted 4/2/2020 9:58 AM (#957014 - in reply to #957010)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

esox109 - 4/2/2020 8:39 AM

I know right laws are silly. Why just the other day I wanted to go 120mph in a 70mph zone and I thought I'd push my 1976 Pinto Wagon to 140mph just because I could and then I thought hold on a tick the old girl might get the death wobble or I may black out from the negative G's upon deceleration and I reconsidered and thought ya know there's that gray area where I can get away with only going 85 in a 70 so maybe I should stick with that. These pesky laws just get in the way and keep me from doing what I want.

Self-quarantine is having adverse mental health effects, see above rambling.
Posted 4/2/2020 10:02 AM (#957015 - in reply to #957013)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

Posts: 186

Even if they opened the musky season to catch and release during the spring it wouldn't change my fishing habits. I am too busy with walleye/bass/crappie until June anyways. Sure there will be some accidental catches in April (both truly accidental and intentional) but I don't think anyone who actually fishes multispecies will use it as a loophole to target muskies. Maybe some guys who only fish muskies will but I can't see that being a huge number.
Posted 4/2/2020 5:04 PM (#957040 - in reply to #956996)
Subject: RE: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

Posts: 633

Location: Madison, WI
Cfollow - 4/2/2020 6:42 AM

I wonder if any muskies will be caught on husky jerks, x-raps, 4" phantoms or spinnerbaits during the early catch and release bass season. It is now essentially a catch and release season on bass, pike, and muskies as soon as the ice goes out.

Are you saying that if I’m fishing with husky jerks and xraps, I’m intentionally targeting muskies as a way to “cheat the system”.? Never mind that those baits were actually designed for walleye and bass? Guess I shouldn’t use them because I might hook a precious musky! Phantoms I’d argue are a musky bait but the others are definitely for other species. I’ve caught muskies on beetle spins and mini mite jigs too, maybe nobody should fish at all?
Posted 4/2/2020 8:25 PM (#957044 - in reply to #956996)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
Have fun with pre-spawn muskies. If you thought they were moody and fickle, wait until they are preoccupied!
Posted 4/2/2020 8:42 PM (#957047 - in reply to #956996)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

Location: Neapolitan Chain Of Lakes
My rambling has nothing to do with self quarantine I'm a Musky fisherman so of course I'm mental! But thanks for the diagnosis doctor I always knew. Lighten up guy life is short. Hahaha

Edited by esox109 4/2/2020 8:45 PM
Posted 4/2/2020 9:02 PM (#957049 - in reply to #956996)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

Posts: 493

Location: Northern Illinois
It is unwise to try to apply the results for one species of fish with specific conditions broadly to other species and specific conditions. In some conditions egg predation from nests of disturbed spawning fish can be great. In other conditions fish that are physically disturbed during the spawn abort. In the case of muskies there are reasons fisheries scientists have come to believe it's best to close the season to protect spawning where it is successful. This is certainly not new science.
happy hooker
Posted 4/3/2020 12:09 AM (#957060 - in reply to #957049)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

Posts: 3153

moonshiners are arguing their not making liquor their making hand sanitizer,,I guess I can have a 10 inch suick pattern for bass.
Posted 4/3/2020 7:50 AM (#957065 - in reply to #956996)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

Location: Neapolitan Chain Of Lakes
Exactly! Why toy around with a little phantom like a snickering scared child looking over your shoulder just throw a cannonball on your "heavy" bass rod and tell the officer you're going for the biggest bass in the lake. Laws are silly and the warden will understand.
Posted 4/3/2020 9:06 AM (#957068 - in reply to #956996)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

Posts: 3491

Location: Elk River, Minnesota
covidnet is definitely underway...
Posted 4/3/2020 2:11 PM (#957086 - in reply to #956996)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

Location: Sawyer County, WI
Based on results alone, I’ve been successfully targeting spring musky with 1/32oz crappie jigs for years.
North of 8
Posted 4/3/2020 2:28 PM (#957087 - in reply to #957086)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

dfkiii - 4/3/2020 2:11 PM

Based on results alone, I’ve been successfully targeting spring musky with 1/32oz crappie jigs for years.

Yep, one of those with a crappie minnow hooked the biggest musky I have seen while fishing the chain where I live. Not for long however.
Posted 4/3/2020 3:11 PM (#957088 - in reply to #957087)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
What I'll be tossing at the crappies when the water opens up here.

This is a new Violent Strike bait we tested last year. Crappies, bass, pike, and even perch really like it. Specially effective trolled at 1.5 and casting into reeds. Heavy wire construction with the tie and blade wire wrapped.

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Posted 4/4/2020 12:14 PM (#957126 - in reply to #957088)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

Location: Sawyer County, WI
sworrall - 4/3/2020 3:11 PM

What I'll be tossing at the crappies when the water opens up here.

This is a new Violent Strike bait we tested last year. Crappies, bass, pike, and even perch really like it. Specially effective trolled at 1.5 and casting into reeds. Heavy wire construction with the tie and blade wire wrapped.

I really like the looks of that, but you must have larger crappies where you fish than where I do.

Where can I find these ? I see larger lures at Rollie and Helen's, but not these. Does Violent Strike have a web presence other than the facebook page ?
Posted 4/4/2020 1:07 PM (#957131 - in reply to #956996)
Subject: RE: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

Posts: 222

It should be catch and keep on those darn largemouths. They eat way too many walleyes.
Posted 4/5/2020 12:04 PM (#957181 - in reply to #957126)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
dfkiii - 4/4/2020 12:14 PM

sworrall - 4/3/2020 3:11 PM

What I'll be tossing at the crappies when the water opens up here.

This is a new Violent Strike bait we tested last year. Crappies, bass, pike, and even perch really like it. Specially effective trolled at 1.5 and casting into reeds. Heavy wire construction with the tie and blade wire wrapped.

I really like the looks of that, but you must have larger crappies where you fish than where I do.

Where can I find these ? I see larger lures at Rollie and Helen's, but not these. Does Violent Strike have a web presence other than the facebook page ?

He's taking orders through his Facebook page while we get his FEIN and stripe account hooked up to his website. Here's the smaller model, it's going to be fun to fish with. You'd be surprised how big a bait a 9" crappie will hit. We caught a bunch on the Bender last year, which is a bass sized bait. Watch for Outdoors Garage as well, we are populating that website now.

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North of 8
Posted 4/5/2020 12:16 PM (#957182 - in reply to #957181)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

Steve, I catch a lot of my crappies in the spring along shore lines that have a lot of down trees, branches, etc. Think that would bounce through that?
Posted 4/5/2020 12:32 PM (#957184 - in reply to #957182)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
It won't hook up on wood or other stuff just like a larger spinnerbait!
Posted 4/5/2020 12:42 PM (#957185 - in reply to #957181)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

Location: Sawyer County, WI
sworrall - 4/5/2020 12:04 PM

dfkiii - 4/4/2020 12:14 PM

sworrall - 4/3/2020 3:11 PM

What I'll be tossing at the crappies when the water opens up here.

This is a new Violent Strike bait we tested last year. Crappies, bass, pike, and even perch really like it. Specially effective trolled at 1.5 and casting into reeds. Heavy wire construction with the tie and blade wire wrapped.

I really like the looks of that, but you must have larger crappies where you fish than where I do.

Where can I find these ? I see larger lures at Rollie and Helen's, but not these. Does Violent Strike have a web presence other than the facebook page ?

He's taking orders through his Facebook page while we get his FEIN and stripe account hooked up to his website. Here's the smaller model, it's going to be fun to fish with. You'd be surprised how big a bait a 9" crappie will hit. We caught a bunch on the Bender last year, which is a bass sized bait. Watch for Outdoors Garage as well, we are populating that website now.

Thanks for the info.
North of 8
Posted 4/5/2020 12:48 PM (#957186 - in reply to #957184)
Subject: Re: WI DNR announces continuous catch and release season for bass starting April 1.

sworrall - 4/5/2020 12:32 PM

It won't hook up on wood or other stuff just like a larger spinnerbait!

That is what I was hoping. Have some luck hopping little jigs through that clutter but tend to get snagged too often. Have to give it a try.
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