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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> YES! You can go fishing in IL!!!
Message Subject: YES! You can go fishing in IL!!!
Posted 3/23/2020 10:44 AM (#956363)
Subject: YES! You can go fishing in IL!!!

Posts: 7056

Location: Northwest Chicago Burbs
Illinois Department of Natural Resources Conservation Police:

Clarification to "Stay at home" Executive Order and fake news alert.

We have received a number of questions regarding hunting and fishing during the Governor's mandatory "Stay at home" Executive Order. We have now received clarification from the Governor's Office about this issue. Please see the message below.

---"As long as our sportsmen and women are fishing or hunting at a site which is currently open (State Parks, Fish and Wildlife Areas, Recreational Areas, and Historic Sites are currently closed) and they have the appropriate licenses and permits, they may continue to hunt and fish during the stay at home order."---

Secondly, we have been made aware of a rumor and fake news website stating IDNR is closing the 2020 - 2021 hunting seasons. This is completely FALSE. Please do not spread these lies and create more anxiety for the public and your fellow outdoorsmen and more unnecessary work for our CPOs and IDNR staff.

Finally, we have received questions reference Site Specific Turkey permits. IDNR Permitting Division is looking into all possible solutions to this issue and will provide an update as soon as possible. IDNR is bound by Statute, Administrative Rules, and Executive Orders and are doing all they legally can to come up with solutions.

We understand this is a difficult time for many people, please remember why this is being done and do your part to keep those around you and those in your community safe and healthy. Never before have you been able to help so much by doing so little.
Posted 3/23/2020 12:04 PM (#956368 - in reply to #956363)
Subject: Re: YES! You can go fishing in IL!!!

Location: Northern Illinois
I've been fishing the whole time... just sayin..
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