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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> 9' Telescoping Rod - "Care and Feeding Tips"
Message Subject: 9' Telescoping Rod - "Care and Feeding Tips"
Posted 2/27/2021 2:08 PM (#976140)
Subject: 9' Telescoping Rod - "Care and Feeding Tips"

Posts: 38

So i bought my first 9' telescoping rod today. All my other rods are one-piece.

Any care and feeding tips. My question is how often can they be extended and retracted without loosening?

Also - my biggest fear is that is will loosen with a fish on or casting - any way to make sure that doesn't happen?

Thanks in advance.

Posted 2/27/2021 2:32 PM (#976141 - in reply to #976140)
Subject: Re: 9' Telescoping Rod - "Care and Feeding Tips"

Posts: 1315

Four of the six casting rods that I keep in the boat, are telescopic. 3 different brands. Oldest is about 10 years old. Have never had any of them loosen while casting or with a fish on. Simply look down the rod from behind the reel as you extend it (like your aiming a rifle), to make sure your guides aren't cockeyed, and firmly extend the last 1/2 inch or so, once lined up. 90% of the time when collapsing them, a small twist while pulling in, does the trick. If it is a little sticky, gently tap the butt on the floor, while holding above the joint.
Posted 2/27/2021 4:12 PM (#976145 - in reply to #976140)
Subject: Re: 9' Telescoping Rod - "Care and Feeding Tips"

Posts: 1209

Just don't store the telescopic rods extended. They can get stuck like that from lake water drying. I'm unaware of a limit on use, and have had no issues with mine. I just pull it tightish in front of me making it straight, then put it across my shoulders and reef it as hard as I can, it won't move till I bash it on my toes
Posted 2/28/2021 9:19 AM (#976185 - in reply to #976140)
Subject: RE: 9' Telescoping Rod - "Care and Feeding Tips"

Posts: 354

Location: Western U.P.
As long as the tip is extended to where it is supposed to be, it shouldn't loosen. It's just the opposite of a 2 pc, where every cast you are trying to throw the tip off, and they loosen. The telescopic is trying to tighten with every cast.

For rod care... do what ever you can to keep from getting grit, sand, etc. in the bottom tube, where the tip collapses into the butt. Getting crud in there can wear on (and eventually weaken) the blank's friction joint extending/collapsing the rod over time.
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