Posts: 14
| This is my second season of muskie fishing, and am not sure what lakes to be spending time on. Rebecca and Independence are the closest lakes to me, but rebecca got sprayed for weeds, and I work at independence and the general consensus is it's a tough lake. Sugar, Eagle, Tonka, and Waconia aren't too far either. Whats my best option out of these? Is there any I'm forgetting? Any info should help. Thanks! |

Posts: 859
Location: MN | Rebecca is the brood stock lake, did you know that? Tonka and Indy are great choices.
Edited by NathanH 7/1/2018 10:36 PM
Posts: 14
| Yes, I have heard that. I have also heard it has the highest density of muskies in the state but I've always been skeptical of that. It sounds too good to be true! I personally find tonka intimidating, but the one time I muskie fished there, I got a follow on a shallow raider so maybe I just need to get out there. |
Posts: 568
Location: WI | I wouldn't be intimidated by Tonka. A number of its bays are nothing more than small lakes connected by canals. You can fish that lake as big or as small as you want. Fishing Rebecca can be a touchy subject. As the brood stock lake, there are going to be those that feel those muskies should never feel a hook so that the population remains high density and maintains the state stocking program. I believe there was a summer kill on that lake not too many years ago. |
Posts: 833
| The two biggest challenges Tonka presents an angler are fishing pressure (smart fish) and water clarity. The Fish on Tonka are among the most educated in the world. They will punish anything less than perfect technique on most days. So your figure 8 and transition to boat side need to be on point.
The water clarity out there post Zebra Mussel is frankly impressive. In much of the lake 10'+ is common. So all the clear water rules generally apply.
It remains my favorite metro fishery.
Another lake your can try is Sugar near Annanndale. That has been stocked since late 1960s.