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Muskie Fishing -> Fishing Reports and Destinations -> Stork (Longlegged Lake Chain)
Message Subject: Stork (Longlegged Lake Chain)
Posted 7/5/2018 9:20 AM (#911564)
Subject: Stork (Longlegged Lake Chain)

Posts: 33

Searched around for some old posts on this lake and found a few things. Also watched Bobs videos featuring the lake.

Anyone have current information on this lake? Is it worth the trip?
Musky Brian
Posted 7/5/2018 9:58 AM (#911567 - in reply to #911564)
Subject: Re: Stork (Longlegged Lake Chain)

Posts: 1767

Location: Lake Country, Wisconsin
Never been on it, heard mostly good things. Downside is it is a hellish logging road to get back there, especially if you bring your own boats. Really expensive camps too with very basic accommodations and not drive tos. I priced one out once and it was almost double what I’m accustomed to paying

Edited by Musky Brian 7/5/2018 4:29 PM
Posted 7/5/2018 11:07 AM (#911568 - in reply to #911564)
Subject: Re: Stork (Longlegged Lake Chain)

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
I priced a resort a few years ago 250 a.person a day.
Posted 7/5/2018 1:35 PM (#911570 - in reply to #911564)
Subject: Re: Stork (Longlegged Lake Chain)

Posts: 219

Location: Downers Grove, IL
I went up to Stork Lake Lodge about 4 years ago with some guys that had been up multiple times before. It's a b---- to get to as mentioned. The public launch to boat to the resort was in rough shape also. But the accommodations were fine and the lakes (3 connected via channels) were great. The tricky thing is navigating them. There's one narrows that is filled with boulders and current that you have to navigate about a foot deep of water, and unless you use a camp boat or you don't mind beating up your own, you'll be cut off from half the chain and some great water. Saw lots of fish including some jumbos and it's not hard to figure out once you're there. Really good walleye fishing too. Very little pressure as you'd expect.
Posted 7/5/2018 1:37 PM (#911571 - in reply to #911564)
Subject: Re: Stork (Longlegged Lake Chain)

Posts: 219

Location: Downers Grove, IL
Also, Pete Maina did a "NEXT BITE" episode out of there a few years back that i'm sure you can find on the internet/youtube.
happy hooker
Posted 7/6/2018 7:01 AM (#911636 - in reply to #911571)
Subject: Re: Stork (Longlegged Lake Chain)

Posts: 3153

Was to long legged few years back,,pricy but solitude,,not a ton of big reef spots,lots of cabbage, the dirt road in took like 3 hrs to drive it was so rugged,,have they improved it??? Camp and cabins were nice but expect to spend about twice has much has usual to stay there.
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