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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Anyone on here from Washington state or north Idaho?
Message Subject: Anyone on here from Washington state or north Idaho?
Posted 1/16/2018 6:15 PM (#889895)
Subject: Anyone on here from Washington state or north Idaho?

Posts: 200

I fish eastern Washington and occasionally north Idaho, just curious if anyone else fishes around here.
Gringo Loco
Posted 1/17/2018 11:48 AM (#889927 - in reply to #889895)
Subject: RE: Anyone on here from Washington state or north Idaho?

Posts: 671

Location: Moses Lake, WA
I live on Moses Lake and probably fish it around 160 days a year. On rare occasions I'll fish Potholes or Banks but my 12" aluminum boat is a bit small for those waters if the wind comes up. In past years I've fished a lot of the potholes lakes for trout but now I mainly fish walleye on Moses Lake.

Gary Schwartz (Gringo Loco)
Posted 1/17/2018 11:53 AM (#889928 - in reply to #889927)
Subject: RE: Anyone on here from Washington state or north Idaho?

Posts: 200

Nice. I don’t get over that way much but, I hear th walleye are really thriving in potholes. You do any muskie fishing?
Gringo Loco
Posted 1/18/2018 11:45 AM (#889987 - in reply to #889928)
Subject: RE: Anyone on here from Washington state or north Idaho?

Posts: 671

Location: Moses Lake, WA
WA has a minor tiger muskie program but it has never been a big success, especially in eastern WA where the lakes typically hit 80F by late June. I've fished Evergreen Reservoir a couple of times where tigers were planted with no luck. I heard from someone in Fish&Game that they gillnetted Everygreen to check the tiger population and caught absolutely nothing. Western WA has 3-4 lakes with small populations of tigers but I'm too old to bother driving all the way over there.

Gary Schwartz
PS Don't believe everything you hear about walleye fishing on Potholes and Moses Lake. There are significant year-to-year variations for reasons that are difficult to determine.
Posted 1/18/2018 1:34 PM (#889999 - in reply to #889987)
Subject: RE: Anyone on here from Washington state or north Idaho?

Posts: 200

I agree the muskie fishing could be better. But we have pretty good success on the east side and have three lakes within 30 minutes. When it warms up we head up north to another lake where the state record was caught. There are some hogs up there. When you hook a fish chances are good it’s a big one. Muskie fishing isn’t easy, makes it all worth while when you hook one. And not a lot of people fish them around here which is nice.
Posted 1/23/2018 7:57 AM (#890362 - in reply to #889927)
Subject: RE: Anyone on here from Washington state or north Idaho?

Posts: 1425

Location: St. Lawrence River
Gringo Loco - 1/17/2018 12:48 PM

I live on Moses Lake and probably fish it around 160 days a year. On rare occasions I'll fish Potholes or Banks but my 12" aluminum boat is a bit small for those waters if the wind comes up. In past years I've fished a lot of the potholes lakes for trout but now I mainly fish walleye on Moses Lake.

Gary Schwartz (Gringo Loco)

Do gou get into any big walleyes?
Gringo Loco
Posted 1/23/2018 11:49 AM (#890374 - in reply to #890362)
Subject: RE: Anyone on here from Washington state or north Idaho?

Posts: 671

Location: Moses Lake, WA
I've taken three walleye over ten pounds, the largest being 10 lbs 12 oz, two around 9 1/2 pounds, and several in the 8 pound range. This has been however over the last 15 years. Moses Lake is not Lake Erie, and if you really want to catch large walleye you should head off to the Columbia River. I like to fish 2-3 hours in the mornings but I no longer spend the whole day on the lake.

Gary Schwartz
Posted 1/23/2018 6:34 PM (#890394 - in reply to #890374)
Subject: RE: Anyone on here from Washington state or north Idaho?

Posts: 1425

Location: St. Lawrence River
Gringo Loco - 1/23/2018 12:49 PM

I've taken three walleye over ten pounds, the largest being 10 lbs 12 oz, two around 9 1/2 pounds, and several in the 8 pound range. This has been however over the last 15 years. Moses Lake is not Lake Erie, and if you really want to catch large walleye you should head off to the Columbia River. I like to fish 2-3 hours in the mornings but I no longer spend the whole day on the lake.

Gary Schwartz

Cool! We have good eye fishing up here on the river.. ive popped 8 walleyes over 10lb just this winter. And a whole slew of them from 6-9 too many to count. The columbia river does have some giants too.
Posted 1/29/2018 3:10 AM (#890770 - in reply to #889895)
Subject: RE: Anyone on here from Washington state or north Idaho?

Posts: 60

I'm from the west side of Washington and president of the local Muskies Inc. chapter, #57. I chase Tigers all summer.
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