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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> going to 100lb and new backing
Message Subject: going to 100lb and new backing

Posted 7/27/2003 9:55 PM (#77026)
Subject: going to 100lb and new backing

I want to step up to a 100lb braid before Canadian trip in Sept. I want to have enough line on the 6500's. Will be doing some casting and trolling. What is the purpose of using a mono backing?? I am worried about the two lines coming apart. One man said awhile ago he used 17lb Triline XL. Why would someone use something so light under a heavy line? What if you hooked that next record fish and took your braid down to the mono. I would want a heavier line under. And why use it at all? Why knot a superline throughout? Thanks, Bruce
Posted 7/28/2003 8:55 AM (#77050 - in reply to #77026)
Subject: RE: going to 100lb and new backing

Posts: 2378

i am by no means a pro...or even a semi pro, but this is what i have learned from this board and others.

super braid has a tendeccy to slip on the spool. the mono backing prevents this from happening. it also means that less braid is required. this is helpful due to the high price of most super braids.

most guys use a relatively light mono backing because it packs tighter which means that the super braid will not cut into the mono when it is spooled.

if you do want to use braid throughout i would suggest placing some electrical or athletic tape on the spool after the first few wraps. this will prevent the super braid from slipping in the spool.

this got a little long, but i hope it helps.

Posted 7/29/2003 12:39 PM (#77291 - in reply to #77026)
Subject: RE: going to 100lb and new backing

Posts: 376

Location: Cudahy, Wisconsin
The superlines are so slick they wont grip the spool. If the uni to uni knot is tied correctly the lines will not come apart.
Posted 7/30/2003 3:06 PM (#77395 - in reply to #77291)
Subject: RE: going to 100lb and new backing

Posts: 3870

I'm also a no-pro, but have an opinion....

The 17# mono is about the same diameter as 80-100# superline, thus helping ensure a strong uni knot. Unlikely that you'll ever get down to the backing, unless you already have a ton of line out trolling when a monster fish strikes. If you ever do have that much line out, chase the beast with your electric or gas motor.
Cory Toker
Posted 8/1/2003 12:25 PM (#77635 - in reply to #77026)
Subject: RE: going to 100lb and new backing

Posts: 240

You do not need much of the mono backing. Just enought to level off the bottom of the spool. This will prevent the super line from spinning on the spool. I agree with the others. The Uni knot is the best not for attaching the two lines.

Posted 8/7/2003 3:43 PM (#78368 - in reply to #77026)
Subject: RE: going to 100lb and new backing

Posts: 5193

Do not use mono backing use eletrical tape and the slips will go away.0723 BillRamsey PMTT Team#32.
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