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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> Trolling with Mono
Message Subject: Trolling with Mono
Posted 7/23/2015 8:10 PM (#777558)
Subject: Trolling with Mono

Location: Eastern Ontario
Anyone using mono for trolling and if so under what circumstances.

Seem to remember a MH show where Saric was using 50 mono on boards but I can't remember the reasons.

Edited by horsehunter 7/23/2015 8:11 PM
Posted 7/23/2015 8:30 PM (#777562 - in reply to #777558)
Subject: RE: Trolling with Mono

Nothing wrong with mono IMHO
dana hubbard
Posted 7/23/2015 9:41 PM (#777568 - in reply to #777558)
Subject: Re: Trolling with Mono

Posts: 48

I run 40lb on my boards or if im trying to get baits to run shallower, like over weeds or something
Posted 7/24/2015 6:01 AM (#777578 - in reply to #777558)
Subject: Re: Trolling with Mono

Posts: 72

I use 60 pound braid connected to a 60 ft mono leader where I clip my board on. Most clips are designed to be used with mono so braid does get pulled out very easily.
Posted 7/24/2015 7:03 AM (#777583 - in reply to #777558)
Subject: Re: Trolling with Mono

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
Braid slips frequently on board clips. I even have the locking clips slip on me salmon and muskie fishing. Mono will not slip.
Posted 7/24/2015 7:26 AM (#777586 - in reply to #777558)
Subject: Re: Trolling with Mono

Location: Eastern Ontario
Do you guys using mono for muskies use a stiffer rod than you would with braid?
Posted 7/24/2015 8:31 AM (#777595 - in reply to #777558)
Subject: Re: Trolling with Mono

Posts: 358

I use 20lb Big Game a lot of times. Doesn't hold water so is nice in fall...and really in general. Same dia as 100lb braid.
Posted 7/24/2015 4:31 PM (#777672 - in reply to #777558)
Subject: Re: Trolling with Mono

Posts: 866

Location: NE Ohio
i run all of my trolling short sets using mono. i think the stretch helps keep them pinned. i use trilene XT. no stiffer rods for me. bass pro cheap grafites.

don't ever use it casting, too much stretch.
wall i
Posted 7/25/2015 11:13 AM (#777748 - in reply to #777558)
Subject: Re: Trolling with Mono

Despite being counter-intuitive, 20 lbs mono or 100 lbs braid will both work. The mono will stretch and absorb a lot of shock; the braid wont stretch but then its extra break strength will absorb shock. I'll wager that less fish will be lost on the mono.
You can also get away with a graphite rod on mono ......braid Id go with e-glass or equivalent.
Braids are not forgiving but they transmit a hell of a fight.
Posted 7/28/2015 8:30 AM (#778116 - in reply to #777558)
Subject: Re: Trolling with Mono

Posts: 114

40 lb Berkley Big Game mono on my board rods for trolling big planers. They pull out of the offshore clips very well and the stretch is forgiving for high speed LSC trolling
Posted 7/29/2015 8:48 PM (#778353 - in reply to #777558)
Subject: RE: Trolling with Mono

Posts: 688

Location: Northern IL
There is a couple reasons to use mono, the first has already been explained "using boards" but the other has not. Trolling is about putting your lure at the "exact" depth you want it. I use lures that run at predicable depths but in order to get them to that depth the line comes into play as well. 

At this time of the season I fish in deep water, meaning deeper than 10' or at least deeper than where ever the weedline ends on any certain lake. Clear water lakes obviously have a much deeper weedline than say the Fox Chain where the weeds only come out to 4-5' on Bluff and Marie and 12'-13' on the northern ponds... On some clear water lakes you may find sand grass as deep as 27-30'. In order to troll this edge it would be difficult to reach using mono. However 30' can be reached quite easily with braid or single strand wire. 

I have 4 trolling rods in my boat. Two mono and two wire (unless my left handed boys comes along where then we've got 6) The two mono are used to troll the depths out to about 18' or so and when using boards. The wire line rods in conjunction with the right crankbait can reach depths in excess of 100' with no weights or down riggers. Braid can not reach the deeper depths with a "reasonable" ha ha amount of line out. (what's reasonable about 300+'?). Best of luck
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