Posts: 212
Location: Wisconsin | I like the look and design of these baits. I realize that the baits are pretty new to the US but has anyone used these and can give some reviews before I order a few. Thanks |
Posts: 58
| Nope. But I also just ordered some |
Posts: 43
Location: Chicago | Some of their large soft swim baits are incredible. There are some YouTube videos of them being pulled through a tank and they actually look like real fish just swimming along. I think they swim too good! I can imagine a musky swimming by and nodding a "whatsup" to it.
Some of the stuff in their catalog you can't even find in the States. Very popular in the UK for big pike. Just a matter of time it starts to take off here......... |
Posts: 120
| I haven't really used mine yet in a fishing situation--Just spent some time test casting it this past winter. Looks great in the water I am sure it will get eaten! Both tails work well... It's a very slow sinking bait though so keep that in mind.
Would not hesitate to buy again. They make some great baits, and the tail action on these and the real eels is outstanding! |