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Posted 12/30/2021 9:59 AM (#999985 - in reply to #999872)
Subject: Re: Ranger dry storage is not dry

Posts: 427

Not a Ranger but I had a Lund leak half way through the season. Boat only took on water when it was run. Turned out there was a crack in the hull that only let in water when the hull was flexing while running. Auto bilge would come on and water was in compartments too. I plugged every water intake and drain. Boat still took on water. I even left the boat docked for 8 hrs. No water! Based on what you described it seems like the hull has a leak. Even a visual check of the under side of the boat showed no problems while on the trailer. I found the leak after the boat was lifted off the trailer. The leak was hidden by the trailer bunks. It took forever to find and fix the leak

Edited by 7ovr50 12/30/2021 10:13 AM

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