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Posted 12/23/2021 9:50 PM (#999875 - in reply to #999872)
Subject: Re: Ranger dry storage is not dry

Posts: 492

Location: Northern Illinois
I had a livewell pump freeze over the winter and crack allowing water into the bilge on a Lund I used to have. It took awhile to find it since I seldom used the livewells. The Ranger I have now has drain lines in the rod locker and compartments, and even so, I don't ever get water in the bilge unless it rains. I can't see water backing up and getting in from the drain lines. The drains may be plugged which happened on the rear battery compartment on my Ranger. After an all day rain I had standing water in the compartment. I was able to clean out the drain with a length of #10 solid copper wire. These are the experiences I have had. I wish you luck in fixing your issue.

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