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Posted 12/9/2021 9:16 AM (#999567)
Subject: Crestliner Fish Hawk bow deck design?

Posts: 63

Hey Gang,
My trolling motor plug is getting hot where it plugs into the receptacle in the bow port of my 2012 1600 Fish Hawk. I've already replaced the male portion of the plug and the problem is still there so I need to inspect the receptacle and wiring harness. I can't get my fat hands into the storage area under the trolling motor to reach the wiring harness and receptacle. So, I have to loosen/remove either the top deck surface which the trolling motor mount bolts to or the verticle kickplate supporting that surface to access the wiring harness/receptacle to inspect it.

Do any of you Crestliner jockeys know the easiest way to go about this? Do I start atthe top deck plate or the verticle kickplate?

Thanks in advance for any help or experience notes.

Happy Holidays,

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