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North of 8
Posted 11/22/2021 1:49 PM (#999259 - in reply to #999258)
Subject: Re: LiveScope and similar technology

Kirby Budrow - 11/22/2021 1:35 PM

North of 8 - 11/22/2021 12:01 PM

Don't know much about the technology, wondering why it would lead to increased mortality?

Pulling fish from 20-40 feet of water in hot water. Normally these fish were untouched until they came up shallow in July, if at all. Now people with no actual fishing skill can hover over a fish harassing it for hours until it bites. Like said above, there was an abnormally large amount of dead fish in June and July this year. This was a direct result of this type of fishing.

Thank you for the response.

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