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Posted 10/3/2021 11:37 PM (#996224)
Subject: Northland Marine Three Lakes WI

Posts: 1274

Location: E. Tenn
There's an old adage that says "If someone has a good experience from a business, He tells one person. When he has a a bad experience, he tells a hundred people people"

I think I'll share this one with everybody.

I had a mechanical issue with my Terrova this past week, that rendered the unit totally useless. It was suggested I contact these folks, and they quickly made the necessary repairs AND took care of some nagging issues with my Helix units. Everything now works better than new.

They also repaired an older bow mount Minn Kota TM, more than a few years ago,(early 2000's) that was still performing flawlessly when I sold the boat in "18.

If any of you folks have an issue with your Minn Kota, or "Bird, and you're close by.. It might be worth your while to give these guys a call..

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