Location: 31 | ArtieT - 2/19/2019 8:06 AM
Is ethanol free, recreational fuel, and non-alcohol gas all the same? I've seen all three and it seems like recreational fuel is usually the most expensive.
They are not the same...
Whenever possible (which is almost “always”) I happily seek out and pay the extra for ethanol free gas in my boat. I consider this to be a fairly inexpensive safeguard, along with using the manufacturers recommended additives.
To each their own… Yamaha does not say not to use it... but they also say this in their maintenance matters brochure:
Ethanol is alcohol, and alcohol is “hygroscopic,” which means it attracts water molecules. Since nearly all boat fuel tanks are vented to the atmosphere, water can (and will) collect in your fuel. When the concentration of water molecules in your fuel tank reaches just ½ of 1%, the water molecules will bond with the alcohol and sink to the bottom, where your fuel pick up is. Depending on the amount of water ingested into your outboard, this can result in everything from running problems to catastrophic damage. Ethanol, being alcohol, is also a powerful solvent that can loosen debris in your fuel tank and all the tanks and lines it was in before it got to you.
Edited by Jerry Newman 2/22/2019 10:23 AM