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Posted 11/6/2018 10:06 AM (#922757 - in reply to #921061)
Subject: Re: Made the Switch to a Bass Boat

Posts: 1036

I owned the Ranger 188VS. Bass boat setup for musky fishing. I loved that boat. 150 Optimax. Terrova up front. Caught a ton of muskies and walleyes out of that boat. It handled big water great...for a bass boat. Yup. Got wet... And as I aged...I really grew to dislike the seating.
I got a 619VS. Got the deck extension. Decks are just as good. Love having the seating and the open cockpit to walk around in. Much better storage. Handles Green Bay really, really well. It is faster than the 188VS too...but it has a bigger engine. The ride is a lot different too.
I'd say the deep V handles like an SUV...the 188VS handled like a sports car.
After owning both? I'd do a bass boat again, but if I had to choose one? I'd do the deep V, easily. Just a much more versatile boat. But, it does come down to choice, where you fish and how you fish.

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