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Posted 10/19/2018 9:41 AM (#921270 - in reply to #921086)
Subject: Re: Used boat financing

Posts: 1294

A couple of boats ago, I took a longer term loan to get the payment down, for flexibility. I paid double or triple the payment amount each month for about 18 to 20 months. I had a couple of months that I only made the minimum payment due to anticipated cash flow issues. Then I re-fied to a four year at a better interest rate, and ended up paying that off before it was due. Probably paid a small amount more in interest versus a shorter original loan, but it gave me the flexibility to make a much smaller payment on a few occasions, which, for me at the time, was worth what little difference there was in the long run. Many ways you can juggle things to fit your situation. Just have to get out the old abacus and amortization charts, and do some math.

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