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North of 8
Posted 10/11/2018 4:04 PM (#920690)
Subject: Dock and Lift Jack

Last fall I bought a purpose made jack for lifts and docks. It worked great but wasn't sure that I didn't just get lucky. Well, today I took my pontoon lift out by myself and it was invaluable. Water is a good foot higher than normal for this time of year and my pontoon lift is a little over 26' long and weighs just over 460#. I jacked the back end up almost chest high, put the axles in place and the wheels on in less than 10 minutes. I am 67 and like all the mechanical advantage I can get ;>).

I used to do the job with a hi-lift jack which was much harder to position and not nearly as stable. This thing pulls the feet out of the muck and also lowers the lifts and docks very smoothly. If you have to do this fall chore, I would highly recommend. I don't want to run afoul of any commercial endorsement policies, but if interested, shoot me a private message and I will get you the contact info. Made in the USA by a machine shop.

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