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Posted 6/4/2018 9:27 PM (#909158 - in reply to #908598)
Subject: Re: Humminbird transducer: Anyone replace the mounting hardware?

Posts: 3484

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

Well....the transducer mount broke this weekend, so I'm changing things out...

I got to thinking, though...when the transducer was still attached, it would not read very well at speed. Was reading and came across the y cable that would allow some units to run both a dual beam transducer and a high definition transducer at the same time...

I have an 899 and have not been able to confirm whether or not it will use a y cable to read both down/side scan transducer and a normal transducer. Anyone know for sure and if so, what transducer do I need to mount in-hull?

I would mount the down/side scan in a higher location as it would be submerged while using it...


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