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Posted 5/18/2018 7:15 PM (#906791 - in reply to #906782)
Subject: Re: Mercury Boat Prop Replacement

Posts: 1209

Is there a bunch of random numbers and or letters followed by a p15

P 15 would be a 15 pitch, aluminum props flex on whole shot, letting the boat accelerate faster then unload as water speeds equalize. So if you get a stainless prop that change in material is why pitch changes are on your mind... if replacing with the same thing get the same thing unless you want a better whole shot or more or less wide open throttle rpms

Lower pitch like 13 will have a faster wholeshot and have higher rpms at side open.
A pitch like 17 will have potential for more speed if you have the power but may make wholshot slower

Pitch simplified is one revolution without slip (like in jello) will result in a lateral measurement , 25 p should move 25 inches forward- final drive ratio like putting 37" tires on a truck makes it accurate slower but if it has a 105 speed limit max and enough power now it will go 127mph

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