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Posted 5/15/2018 12:43 PM (#906543 - in reply to #906542)
Subject: RE: My New 'Up North' Ride, Lund 1625 Fury XL

Posts: 186

sworrall - 5/15/2018 12:18 PM

These. Simple, work well, out of the way, and hold rods while moving so no need to have them on the deck or floor.

OK thanks. I've got a single one to use as a net holder and it can hold a rod if the walleye net isn't in there. My issue is traveling to the lake with long rods and not wanting them in the SUV. I'm working on a solution but it is tough when the fold up casting deck/seats can bounce around and crush anything loose in the boat. Number one goal is to secure that thing, then hold rods down but out of the way in case it comes loose.

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