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Posted 5/12/2018 10:24 PM (#906365 - in reply to #906335)
Subject: Re: My New 'Up North' Ride, Lund 1625 Fury XL

Posts: 32889

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Yes, the shuttle that holds the camera and cord is stored under the console. Easy to deploy and retrieve. This is a new accessory offered for the HD7i Pro and 10i Pro. I will get some killer video with the camera this year. Recording is accomplished with a gaming recorder run on a usb connection on the dash and a HDMI cord. I can get a couple hours on a 32 gig card.

I also have the trolling XD Trolling Fin with Live Strikeā„¢ kit ready to roll. Should be fun!

And, I'll be able to record the best underwater lure footage ever, including a real time sound track from a hydrophone.

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