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Posted 5/1/2018 10:29 PM (#905591 - in reply to #905492)
Subject: Re: Speed / prop help

Posts: 3484

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

Ok.. first question with the prop you have... what brand and model is it?

Second, how much trim have you gone before blowing out? In many cases, half trim on a gauge is pretty standard. Any higher and you blow out as the prop loses grip.

Now, here's the good news. Being you are in a steel prop already, there is no doubt in my mind your motor can come up off the transom more. I'd start by moving it to the highest position off the transom and test. This should gain you about 250 to maybe 300 rpms depending on the prop. If the prop is a stock steel, you'd be well served in getting a different prop with more rake and cup. The combination of those two items will allow you to trim less, yet get better results in bow lift and handling.

If you are close to the twin cities, I'd help you adjust the motor height...


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