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Posted 11/28/2017 5:50 PM (#885340 - in reply to #885323)
Subject: Re: New Terrova or Ultrex???

Posts: 866

Location: NE Ohio
fished my ultrex all year averaged 6 days per week, 7 hrs per day, from april through october. NOT one issue, and i love the motor. one item i wish they would change is the size of the pedal, its on the large side. but i use the remote most of the time so its not and issue for me. but if you like the cable type steering of electrics you'll love it.

if you like the terrova style of motor it has the same features of the ultrex i'd upgrade to the ulterra. lots of people on here love them and the self deploy and retract. do some searches, lots of good info in them.

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