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Posted 10/13/2017 8:08 AM (#881177 - in reply to #881169)
Subject: Re: I need to pull my motor to rebuild my transom--what have you guys done?

Location: Green Bay, WI
I've used an engine hoist as well. When i bought an Alumacraft hull with a 130hp Honda on it back in 2001, it wasn't enough engine for the hull. So the Alumacraft people wanted me to try different holes--which I did using an engine hoist. They actually sent one of their tech guys to my hangar in Shell Lake, and we spent about 6 hours trying different height settings before concluding what I had told them weeks before...that it wasn't enough engine for the boat. Point is though that the Honda 130 was heavier than 300 pounds, and the engine hoist was easily able to help us lift/lower it. The engine had a lifting ring under the cowling and it was a simple matter to just use that. If there's not a ring on your engine already, maybe there's a threaded hole there for one?

Take a look at Harbor Freight if you don't already have an engine hoist. They have a 1-ton hoist with folding legs that you can get for around $150 with a coupon. It's immensely useful for all kinds of things, and really doesn't take much room at all to store when you fold up the legs.


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