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Posting a reply to: Re: Helix 7 Chirp SI G2N vs Helix 10 SI GEN 1

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Posted 10/6/2017 11:10 AM (#880428 - in reply to #880057)
Subject: Re: Helix 7 Chirp SI G2N vs Helix 10 SI GEN 1

Posts: 546

Location: MN
If the units are placed at the bow and the transom, you should be fine. If they are both at the console/helm and have two transducers on the transom, yes you will likely have issues. The sonar frequencies will interfere with one another. However, on your dedicated map unit, tap the power button and a menu will give you the option to turn off the sonar and stop it from pinging from that unit.

In the picture below, you should already have the XNT 9 20 or XP 9 20 mounted to the boat. Plug both transducers into their specific side of the Y-cable (M SIDB Y) and plug the single remaining plug into the unit..

Edited by mtcook16 10/6/2017 11:18 AM

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