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Posted 10/1/2017 3:00 PM (#879820)
Subject: Humminbird Ethernet connection issues

Posts: 410

Location: Wakefield, MI
This week I installed two humminbird helix sonars on my boat and am having connection problems. Both are G2N models, a helix 9 mega si combo and a helix 7 di combo. I am running the transducer to the 9", then connecting the 7" to the 9" with a ethernet cable and two adapters.

Yesterday I went out, turned on both head units and everything worked great. My 7" was able to get all of the transducer info I needed from the 9" with no problems for about half an hour. After a while I lost my ethernet connection and couldn't get it back. Tried turning everything off and disconnecting it, reconnect and turn it back on, nothing. This morning I did the same thing and was able to get a good connection. Then we went fishing today, worked for about a half hour, then the exact same thing happened.

Any ideas what could be going on?

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