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Posted 9/24/2017 6:09 PM (#879146 - in reply to #879057)
Subject: Re: Finally joined the Esox Mag club

Posts: 410

Location: Wakefield, MI
Talked to my dad today and we we agree that building a deck is the best option.

Any advice on a new prop? The one that's on it now is a kind of beat up, 13 pitch aluminum. We took it out for a quick cruise and got 29 mph on the GPS, the tach isn't working so I don't know our RPMs. Need to fix the tach but any idea what to look at for props? I'd like to get one here for next weekend.

Also when trimming up we started porpoising pretty bad, anything to look for?

Edited by milje 9/24/2017 6:33 PM

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