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Posted 9/24/2017 7:25 AM (#879064 - in reply to #879057)
Subject: Re: Finally joined the Esox Mag club

Posts: 410

Location: Wakefield, MI
Boat is a 1999, motor is 2005. Everything feels solid, needs a good cleaning and some new carpet this winter. All of the electronics seem to be working. Has three Lowrance fish finders (a pair of 7" and a 5"), a power drive, and an outboard mounted minn Kota. We're going to be installing our new 9" and 7" humminbirds and terrova today.

What do you think it would run to put a bigger outboard on 'er?

My dad also came home with a Mathews Outback, fully loaded for $150. And the rest of the truck was pretty much full of power and hand tools.

Edited by milje 10/4/2017 9:32 PM

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