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Posted 9/24/2017 6:34 AM (#879057)
Subject: Finally joined the Esox Mag club

Posts: 410

Location: Wakefield, MI
Well after looking for about 5 years, me and my dad finally got an Esox Magnum yesterday (let's just say we had a very good day at an auction). Got a couple of questions.

The boat is a console model with a 75 hp Honda. The prop has a couple of small dingers so we will be getting a new one. What should we replace it with? I'd like to get a bigger motor but we really don't fish lakes bigger than about 1200 acres so it's not needed, and we are coming from a 25 mph boat so I'm sure this will be plenty fast for now.

What should we do for a rear casting deck? Tuffy or Just Encase deck box? Can you put a seat base on a Just Encase.

Do we need a transom saver?

I'm sure I'll come up with more questions.

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