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Posted 9/21/2017 6:16 PM (#878778)
Subject: Lowrance hook 4x di vs. Hummingbird p-max 4 di?

Posts: 2

Hey guys, looking for a fish finder for my boat. Mostly to be used in smaller lakes in northwestern wisconsin (300 to 1000 acres). These two seem to be in the price range i need to spend to get what i need. Just want to identify fish and structure and know the depth mostly. Im wondering which one of these people would recommend. Seems like the lowrance has split screen which is nice. Also considering the helix 5 di but i dont know if the extra 100 dollars is worth it considering the site says the piranha has the same sonar/di. On a side note im wondering if its best to let a professional install it or if someone could themselves.

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