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Posted 9/19/2017 6:01 PM (#878493 - in reply to #878120)
Subject: Re: low hours on outboard motor

Posts: 1209

At 5 years I'd probally get one closer to 50 than 500 but ten years I'd rather have 500 than 100. I would say low hours are 20 hours a year. Myself I get 75-100, but another thing to think of is the size of the lake, my lakes are "small" many people say my lakes that are small are harder on a motor than 100 mile lakes, reason being my motor is not on plane longer than 10 minutes, lots and lots of short trips being harder on it than a few long trips, example me with 75-100 hours is comparable to a big lake boat with 150-200hours a year. I buy into this thought as well

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