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Posted 9/19/2017 8:52 AM (#878431)
Subject: Xi5 owners

Posts: 331

Location: Stevens Point, Wisconsin
Just wondering how motor guide Xi5 owners would rate their experience with this trolling motor.

Not a post to bash Motor Guide just curious if others are having the same problems as I am. I purchased mine in early 2015 so it was one of the original units and I paid just under $1,600. I have had nothing but problems with my unit and it's in the shop again and I'm told the repair may cost close to $800 in parts alone! Out of warranty so I could be looking at $1,000 to repair a 2 year old unit. Might become the first $1,600 anchor!

Many features I do like about the Xi5 such as the anchor lock/jog and quietness, but for the most part the heading lock is pathetic on my unit. I use the wireless pedal in conjunction with the remote. Use the remote to engage the heading lock and steer with the pedal. I believe they have upgraded the circuit board several times now and have several software upgrades to correct the problem of the unit trying to determine what steering input to follow. (Remote input and pedal input digital signals causing steering and command issues) I still have the original circuit board but have had the software upgrade, but still having the same problems with heading lock. Always drifts right, spins around like it's possessed, will turn 90 degrees un-commanded almost throwing me out of the boat, or the head oscillates back and forth trying to maintain a constant direction. I have done the on the water re-calibration without help.

So for those of you that have an Xi5 and have had the same issues as I am having....have you had any success in getting the problem fixed? If so what did they replace?

I am told the new xi5's have a new and improved circuit board so if you own a newer unit you may not have had any of these issues. But for those of us that purchased the xi5's when they first came on the market, many have experienced the problems I am talking about.

Thanks for any input.


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