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Posted 9/17/2017 8:57 AM (#878209 - in reply to #878183)
Subject: Re: Impact Motor Height

Posts: 742

Location: Grand Rapids MN
I ran 45mph @ 5800 with the aluminum prop which I felt the boat and motor should have a lot more in it. So I bought a good used Tempest (maybe there's a difference) and I jumped up to 48.5 @ 5200. Both times I could get full trim until it hits the limit and stops. I can tell the prop has more grip so I would expect the rpm to drop. I will say with slight touches of the trim the boat gains a lot all the way up to the limit, telling me it wants more.

What kind of trim range on your gauge can you get? Maybe the limit is set lower for some reason?

As for bow rise on take off there really isn't much if any. These new hauls are pretty impressive, takes hardly any throttle and it's up.

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