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Posted 9/16/2017 8:59 PM (#878183 - in reply to #878115)
Subject: Re: Impact Motor Height

Posts: 866

Location: NE Ohio
hmmmmm sounds odd. i bought new this year 1875 impact sport odered it with the 150 and stainless prop. came with a tempest plus 19p. i get spot on 5800+ rpm's at 52 mph gps reading top end, and my motor is factory mounted just like yours at the lowest possible position. don't know why yours won't get the rpm's up?

could it be the vent holes in the stainless prop? i think the dealer told me mine was set in the middle and could be changed for performance if need be. i'd check that out first if it were me.

Edited by pklingen 9/16/2017 9:04 PM

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