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Posted 9/11/2017 1:40 PM (#877460 - in reply to #877313)
Subject: RE: Tuffy 1700 GT 60 hp CT Prop

Posts: 265

Location: Manitowish Waters WI
I run a 11.5 aluminum on my esox mag with my 2009 60 merc. Played with pitch props from 10-13 and the 11.5 is the perfect happy medium. On my own I hit rev limit wide open at 6k and 31 mph. With a full boat of people and gear I can get out of the hole and still get 28 mph. 12 pitch I struggled getting out of the hole. 10.5 would rocket out of the hole but rev limit and only do 25 mph. Its fine tuning. Mercs website prop selector put my esox mag at an 11 pitch.

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