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Posted 9/4/2017 5:24 PM (#876557 - in reply to #872741)
Subject: Re: Replacement for 2004 Mercury 90 ELPT 4 stroke.

Posts: 706

Location: Richland Center, WI.
muskyhunter63 - 8/2/2017 6:07 PM

I stopped at Starks the day after the motor blew. Got a price on a new motor that is in stock. They are a great place to work with.

I will call Mike in Burlington and get a quote from him also.

Thanks for the responses. On another note, my wife called our insurance and they suggested I get an estimate on the damage as it may be covered!

Double checking on that tomorrow. Again, thanks guys.

Two surprises today.
(1) My insurance guy is working on Labor Day.
(2) My insurance is covering the damage to my motor.

I took the motor to a local mechanic. He tore into it and found the connecting rod on the bottom cylinder broke, causing the rod to nearly cut the powerhead in half.

Thanks for the advice guys. Now to get the boat back on the water for the fall bite!

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