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Posted 8/31/2017 9:37 AM (#876183 - in reply to #875982)
Subject: Re: SI: what difference has it made for your catch rate?

Posts: 546

Location: MN
MuskyMike51 - 8/29/2017 12:48 PM

I answered that I do catch more muskies because of SI. Whether or not that is factual i don't know but i do i know that my boat control and how i fish spots has changed. I would say the only reason thats possible is i can find the pockets and fingers of weeds/rocks/etc. That in turn translates into a my laying down way points to fish and not run up on the spots...

I think it also helps when searching open water for bait, granted i think i can get my boat over it and see it on traditional or 2d when in the deeper water but the search area you can see is so much larger. not to mention being able to see bottom transition lines.

In short, its hard to fish without, especially on water i am not familiar with.

Tight lines

Agreed. I also have come across fish and some great spots just by leaving SI running on a split screen while fishing. Seeing bottom changes, isolated structure and even fish that are not right under the boat increase my awareness of what is around me and increases the number of opportunities I have to contact fish. Assuming my contact to catch ratio remains the same, I believe it helps increase my success on the water.

The first time that the light bulb went off for me was when I was fishing one of my favorite spots. It is a extension out from shore, surrounded by deeper water and is 4'-6' deep and sticks out with multiple rock "fingers," creating many great ambush points. Although this is obviously a very good place to start fishing, I've noticed that high fishing pressure or a change in conditions can drive fish off this spot. One day while fishing it and having little action, I flipped on my SI and was intrigued by a little change in bottom composition and noticed a small gravel and rock line that lead through the sandy bottom and away from the main structure. As I continued to move along, the slight change became more noticeable and I continued following it a ways off the main structure.

I was now further than I would typically go from the main structure. At this point, I would normally assume that the fish had moved elsewhere and that my best chance was to fire up the engine and cruise to the next spot. However, my curiosity paid off and the trail of gravel lead me to a discrete deep boulder pile 150' away. As I scanned the structure with SI, I marked fish at opposite ends, bombing schools of bait. That's when I set down my bucktail, picked up a Bulldawg and used the SI to help me keep the boat within a cast's length of the structure. A few casts in to working the bait ball, I landed a nice fish.

Simply said, this experience was eye opening for me and how I use my electronics while on the water. Although it does not mean that I catch "500% more fish each year because of SI," or something crazy like that, I do know that it has definitely lead to me catching certain fish and certainly helps me gather more information to pattern fish quicker and more effectively on the water.

Edited by mtcook16 8/31/2017 9:41 AM

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