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Posted 8/17/2017 10:26 PM (#874725 - in reply to #874643)
Subject: Re: Questions about humminbird

Posts: 1209

If the helix 9 is mega it has the best transducer , but I would strongly recomend a 10, the pixels per inch is higher giving a clearer image and it is the same package size. Chirp is a benefit but unless you are really into side imaging mega is not really important. 455 vs 800 vs1200 all have there place but generally 455 is easier to set up and easier to see fish! Seriously 455 si is more than sufficient for 80% of people who use si. I myself am fighting the urges to buy 3 or 4 solix 12's or 15's... there all mega. If money is a concern I would say get a sweet deal on a gen 1 helix 10 si, it will connect to you 898/858, but I would sell both of them and buy a second sweet deal helix 10 gps gen 1. Going this route you should be able to get into them for the same price as a single gen two and keeping your units for now/spare... and they are aging so if your keeping one I'd keep them both

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