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North of 8
Posted 8/12/2017 10:44 AM (#874021 - in reply to #874014)
Subject: Re: Zero compression in one cylinder

BBT - 8/12/2017 10:03 AM

The company has been bought and sold several times, your old motor was part of the old company. They would have no reason to have to work on them.

When Bombardier bought Evinrude, they bought a brand. If they wanted to step away from the brand, they could have changed the name. They did not and that means any problem with an Evinrude, regardless of when in was manufactured and who owned the brand at that time reflects poorly on their brand. And, they did own Evinrude when the motor in question was produced. They didn't design it but they owned the company since 2001.

Edited by North of 8 8/12/2017 10:56 AM

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