Posts: 135
| Slamr - 8/9/2017 9:13 AM
Not that I care that much, because I'm pretty sure why you're going here but...whats the point of your questioning. People give you their thoughts, a guy pretty intimately aware of Tuffy products and their construction gave his thoughts....
There's no secret motivation to my questions. When talking boats, I think getting factual information on the points of comparison is helpful. Posts that essentially say, "The one I bought is the best because it's the one I bought" don't do anyone any good. King Kong smash Godzilla.
A couple people in this thread have stated a reason to buy a Tuffy is because it is tougher/stronger than other brands. They undoubtedly perceive this to be true; in my experience there isn't any difference. Steve provided some factual info about the build process by Tuffy that indicates quality and toughness. However, Tuffy hulls being strong doesn't mean the others are not strong. Steve alluded to the idea (but didn't substantiate it) that some other brands experience hull or transom issues more frequently than Tuffy. That's extremely interesting and relevant information and I'm interested in hearing the it's the kind of thing that shapes purchase decisions.
Boats take a huge amount of pounding. Imagine if we asked our trucks to bounce and bang that much! I think all of the boat brands being discussed are really tough - they have to be. Imho, fit and finish are about the same in a Tuffy and a Recon; they're a step up in a Skeeter, and better than that in a Ranger. In my judgment, more realistic purchase reasons than "toughness" are how well the layout matches your fishing style, the details of fit and finish, and cost/value.