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Paul S
Posted 8/9/2017 9:33 AM (#873634 - in reply to #873630)
Subject: Re: Recon vs Tuffy

Posts: 229

Location: Tinley Park, IL
Glaucus_ - 8/9/2017 9:07 AM

Could you share your evidence for this? (That Recons, Rangers, Skeeters, or whatever are breaking their hulls/transoms at a higher rate than Tuffys.) All brands have some issues, it's most often a small percentage that get over-generalized; considering how they get used, it's actually amazing that there aren't more problems. The question for the end-user is: does the "tough as hell" Tuffy experience this less often?

Are you talking about QC issues or strength of hull? Either way, I highly doubt you will get the data you are looking for.

My opinion of the "tough as hell" Tuffy hull is based on what I have seen with a couple different Tuffys versus incidents I have read about with other boat brands. Yes, it is all anecdotal but this is how I formed my opinion.

Edited by Paul S 8/9/2017 9:35 AM

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