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Posted 8/9/2017 6:15 AM (#873598)
Subject: Ordering new 620 tomorrow, Bird or Lowrance?

Posts: 172

Still not 100% decided. Helix Mega 12 on dash and 10 on bow or order without any units and put my new this year HDS9-3 on bow from my present boat and get a new HDS12-3 from dealer and have him install when boat gets here. Ranger won't install HDS3's now, just Carbons. Maybe would have Ranger put a Carbon 12 on dash and still use my 9 on bow. Not really wanting to spend the money on a Carbon. Will have bow linked to trolling motor, so Minnkota Terrova or Motorguide with appropriate brand . Have searched alot, leaning heavy toward Bird.

If I go to Bird, I assume my Lakemaster Minnesota and Woods/Rainy chips that I bought around 2011 will work fine?

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