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Paul S
Posted 8/8/2017 8:29 PM (#873571 - in reply to #873563)
Subject: RE: Bird 998 SI issues

Posts: 229

Location: Tinley Park, IL
jdeezay74 - 8/8/2017 7:16 PM

possible software update ? i for get how to get the version on the unit but u can call humminbird and ask the current software version and cross reference

They have tutorials on their website for updating the software. You need to have a Micro HD Chip. It is not hard at all.

$400 to refurbish? I don't think you'd get a whole lot more than that if you were to sell the unit used. I would take that $400 and put it towards a new unit if that is what it came down to.

Edited by Paul S 8/8/2017 8:36 PM

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