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Posted 8/1/2017 1:03 PM (#872515 - in reply to #872501)
Subject: Re: Trolling motor battery recommendation

Posts: 8788

jonnysled - 8/1/2017 12:16 PM

in my 53 years i've come to the conclusion that it's not so much the batteries type (AGM, Wet Cell) or brand, but how they are kept ...

Nothing lasts forever. I've had automotive batteries last 10 years. I've also had them crack, leak, short, terminals pull out, and generally fail for no reason after a year or two.

These were bound to go at some point despite having the boat plugged in. Not sure how old they were, but I was down to 2 bars in the first hour running the TM at about half power on a flat day. Pretty sure I'd have gotten an hour in a good wind and done.

Ordered the Duracell AGM 31's, out the door from Batteries Plus for less than $300 for the pair. Now let's just hope they get them in in time...

And is it me, or did batteries get awfully heavy??

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