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Posting a reply to: RE: Prop Recommendation for for Ranger Angler 1880MS

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Posted 7/18/2017 7:38 AM (#870550 - in reply to #870526)
Subject: RE: Prop Recommendation for for Ranger Angler 1880MS

Posts: 37

Location: MN
Ya I think you are right....the tac guage must be reading low....The PSI guage was also inop until the third time out as well.... I'll get both checked when they replace the dash board that they mangled when cutting the hole for the depth finder.

This is my first fiberglass boat and four stroke motor so I was not sure what to expect with performance.... I think it will be a good overall match up....I would not have wanted the standard 150 HP for sure....But if it was rated for a 250HP I would upgrade to have better out of the hole performance and better top end....

It was impressive to troll and change spots for 8 hours and only use a 1/4 tank of gas....My old 2 stroke would have used double or triple that amount....

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