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Posting a reply to: Re: Prop Recommendation for for Ranger Angler 1880MS

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Posted 7/17/2017 10:13 AM (#870423 - in reply to #869643)
Subject: Re: Prop Recommendation for for Ranger Angler 1880MS

Posts: 31

Otto, thanks for your input! Yes, I am tuning the trim to get the best performance. I don't think that I want to go up in pitch as hole shot and the ability to stay up on plane will suffer. I talked to D&H propellers and they recommended sharpening the front edge of the blades on my Tempest Plus and adding cup to reduce slip. This may allow me to raise the motor up a notch as well. They does not think that the Bravo props will help me much as I need a prop that lifts the boat. They recommended a Solas 4 blade prop for times when the boat is loaded down or when I'm pulling skiers or tubes.

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