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Posted 7/17/2017 12:41 AM (#870392 - in reply to #870389)
Subject: Re: Boat Trailer Lights

Posts: 1168

1) Check your grounds. Most electrical issues on trailers, boats, etc. end up being something funky going on with a ground wire.
2) Make sure your connections to the tow vehicle is good. Mine does sort of a similar thing and all I have to do is unplug it and plug it back in and it works.
3) Are you certain the issue is isolated to your trailer? Test it out on a different vehicle in order to replicate the issue. Not far behind having a faulty ground giving you fits is thinking it's a trailer issue, when it ends up being an issue with the tow vehicle.

A basic circuit tester and a multimeter are your friends and are inexpensive. You might not think you "need" something like that but they sure are handy little time savers.

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